Monday, November 16, 2015

Welcome Genius Gym Parents!

Welcome to our first Genius Gym Parent University blog. The desire to have a resource like this for parents of gifted children began a little over a year ago for me.

As a teacher of gifted students, I had the privilege of attending my very first gifted educator conference. I went to this conference with the expectation that I would gain a better understanding of what gifted students need. I was looking for strategies, ideas, best practices...and I was not disappointed!

The greatest revelation and growth came for me, however, while listening to a keynote speaker. She spoke about how we have to be an advocate for this special population of students to ensure that they get the support and services that they desperately need and deserve. As I listened, there was someone who I just couldn't get out of my mind... my own gifted son.

Parenting this son of mine (who is now a college freshman) was certainly not a breeze, but has always been a joy. He has always been one who does not "fit the mold". And in a traditional academic setting he often underachieved and was often misunderstood. 

When I arrived home that evening, I went to his room and apologized to him saying, "I learned so much today and I was really challenged. I'm sorry for the ways I was unable to help you. I had no idea how to be an advocate for you... and I'm an educator!"

There are so many things I wish I had known or had support in when it came to raising both of my gifted children. If you've been wishing for the same thing, then you've come to the right place. This is a place to share our strengths and struggles, our successes and failures, our laughs and our tears. This is the start of a community of parents who want to be advocates for their gifted children, who want to champion their cause and successfully help them navigate a life with a gifted and talented mind.